Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Chapter 30
I'll Be Saturday Night
The set list was one that no one seen coming. New material was played and the fans did more than appreciate it, they loved it and went crazy for more. The introduction of Hey God was well received, more than Jon and the band thought was possible. And they loved it when someone other than Jon was able to sing. Richie belted out his Stranger In This Town and David was lead vocals on I'll Be There For You.
Back in quick change, Jon sits in his chair while his hair is blown dry. Looking around for Olivia, he asks Dawn, "Where did Liv go?"
Dawn laughs, "She's with Heather,among the masses."
"Is she really?" Jon laughs with her, knowing that no good was going to come of this show. "Which way did they go?"
"Heather said they were taking a trip to heaven."
"Why would they go all of the way up there?" Jon asks, knowing that Heather liked to make pop up appearances in random places, "Did they have Bobby or Tom with them?" Jon asks, having just told Olivia that she needs security with her if she wanders the venue.
"I don't think so. I gave Olivia my lanyard since she isn't too well know. She should be okay with that, as far as access."
Jon tousles his hair with his fingers, looking in the mirror. "I told her to take security, thankfully she isn't too well known yet."
"But Heather is." Dawn reminds him, "Those two could get in a lot of trouble, together."
"That's my fear." He stands up and pulls on a dry shirt. "Do they have a radio?" Dawn nods her head yes. "There are 3 more songs, can you get them back here please."
Dawn salutes him as he leaves quick change and stands there and waits. She can hear the screams, and as soon as his silhouette is seen the screams turn piercing. It makes her laugh, having worked for him for so long that she doesn't really see what all the hype is all about. He's a guy that puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like millions more - but for some reason, the woman love him and his band.
She finds Mike and uses his radio to call Heather, "Sambora, Sambora - come in Heather." After a short pause, she says, "Sambora, Sambora - we need you back to base."
After a few seconds, she hears, "We're on our way."
Dawn has her own job to do, she can't worry about the two princesses that get to wander aimlessly and be treated like royalty, She wants to get out of Miami as bad as everyone else does. On the plane, to the next city is a good thing, it's one day closer to break, one day closer to getting back into life.
The band plays the last three songs, and when they came down off stage - they were guided into waiting vans and whisked off to the airport where they had to pack and catch the plane that's scheduled to leave at 2 am. They all hated doing it this way, but they would rather get where they are going and then go to bed, as opposed to getting up and having to spend the day travelling. This way, the day off between shows is actually a day off.
In the hotel room, Jon asks Olivia, as he strips from his wet clothes, "What did you and Heather do? Did you get into any trouble?"
Olivia laughs at him, "Ha ha, you're funny. What kind of trouble could we get into when we had a big bald guy following us all night?"
"You spotted Derrick?" he giggles, thinking that it's funny that she caught him trying to be sly. "He doesn't blend well, does he?"
"Sticks out like a sore thumb. Do you really think that he was necessary?"
"Doesn't matter, get used to it. He now works for you."
"It is not open for discussion. Starting any minute now, your need for security will increase and I'm getting ahead of the game."
"But if I'm with you, isn't your security enough?" she asks, pretty unsure of how the game works. She hasn't been a player for very long, and the last time that they played together - the need for security was minimal since they never went anywhere together.
He sits next to her on the bed, stepping out of his jeans and stripping off his socks, "When I'm on stage, I have security. When you decide to walk a venue, you will have security. No ifs,ands or buts about it."
"It's silly."
"As soon as you are in the public eye, you will need it more than when you're walking a venue. You'll need it anywhere you go that is in public. With or without me."
She shakes her head no, "I don't like the sound of that."
"Comes with the territory baby." He pokes the end of her nose.
"Well, do I have to have the big bald scary guy?"
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Chapter 28
A little bit of morning love making and some breakfast in bed was just what the doctor ordered, for herself and for Jon. It was some much needed time together and some much needed alone time.
When they finished with breakfast, they sat in bed and watched the local news. "What do you want to do with what's left of my free time? I need to be at the arena for a meet and greet."
"Do you really?" Olivia tried to sound like she's whining, but that just makes her laugh, "What time is that?
"Seven. Are you coming with? I need to be there at five for sound check." he tells her, hoping that she will join him, the guys would love to see her and he misses the days when she would be at a show, watching him with adoring eyes.
On her side, facing the man that she can no longer resist, she tells him, "There is no place that I would rather be." Stretching her neck, slightly, she kisses his nose, "It better be a good show."
"The last one in Miami, it has to be good."
"Do we leave right after the show, or in the morning?" she asks, wanting to know the schedule. She vaguely remembers the tour schedule that she seen, but for the life of her, nothing was coming to mind.
"Tonight, right after the show. We need to get up to Seattle."
"Seriously?" she laughs.
"Yeah, why?"
"I just came from the Northwest. I guess I should have paid attention and waited for you to come to me."
"I wouldn't have gone to you, Liv." he tells her, pretty point blank. "I have shows to do and it's my plan to get this tour behind me and take a long deserved break."
She sits up, brushing the hair off of her face, "Couldn't you let me think that maybe you would have come to me?" She laughs a little, looking over at him. "Let me have my fantasy."
"I'll be honest with you, I wondered how I would feel and what I would do once I got to Salt Lake." he smiles at her, "I questioned whether I would be strong enough to stay away."
"You could have. You're the strongest person that I know, Jon."
"But to stay away from you, knowing that you were so close, I don't know." He reaches over and starts to rub her back, "I do know though that I am glad that you came to me."
She leans over and kisses him, "Me too!"
They spent the day together and when it was time to head to the arena, they did. With the rest of the band. All of the guys were happy to see that Olivia was with Jon, they weren't very surprised as the rumor mill had already started - but they all were a little hesitant to see him this morning - unsure of how things went with Olivia being in town. Much to their surprise, they were thrilled to see Jon with a smile that covered his whole face. They knew that the day was going to be great and that the show was going to be amazing!
They rolled through sound check with a handful of fans watching and snapping pictures, many took pictures of Olivia sitting on the side of the stage. Not sure who she was, why she was lucky enough to sit there and where she came from? Regardless, sound check went off without a hitch and now it was time for Jon to get ready for the meet and greet. These are the things that make it all worth while for him, he loves to give back and say hi.
Backstage he takes Olivia into his dressing room and tells her to get comfortable. He needs to freshen up, change his shirt and get hair and make up done. She knows the routine, but she didn't mind Jon telling her what to do, what was going to happen. She didn't mind anything that he said, as long as he was talking to her. "This meet and greet, Matt has it down to a science. It's a quick hello, how are you. Snap a picture and then NEXT. I've been doing about 100 a show."
"Wow. You let that many women touch you in a night?" she laughs at the thought of that. The Jon that she left never would have liked that, "What happened to you?"
He pulls his light blue t-shirt over his head and says, "It was the weirdest thing. One night I was being followed when I was running and I decided to stop and talk to the lady that was following me. She obviously wasn't out running, since her high heels were in her hands, so I turned the table on her."
"What did you do?" Olivia asks, picturing what was going to come next. Jon is a private man and she knows how dear he holds that privacy. "Did you scare her?"
"I turned around and ran at her."
"You did not!!" she's laughing at the visual, she can see the fan stopping dead in her tracks. "Did she have a heart attack?"
He tosses his shirt on the couch and sits next to Olivia, "I ran right at her and when I got to her, she froze. She didn't know what to do. He hands were shaking and I could see tears well up in her eyes, but I couldn't tell if they were happy or scared tears."
"What did she do? What did you say?"
He leans back, putting his feet up on the coffee table that travels with him and says, "I asked her why she was following me, and all she could say was that she just wanted to meet me."
"It's true. That's all they want." Olivia pokes at him, "That and to fuck you."
He rolls his head and looks at her, "So, that made me think. If I do meet and greets, maybe they will leave me alone in public - sure I'll have the occasional fan here and there, but to run after me in stockings and a dress? That was a little over the top."
Olivia re-positions herself, putting her feet on Jon's legs, "So it was your idea to do the meet and greets?"
"No. That was Tony and Matt, but once they presented it to me, it made sense. It's so much easier than always hiding and wearing a hat. If they know they can meet me, they tend to behave a little better."
"Do you do it at every show?" Olivia wonders how often this meet and greet event will interfere with life. Honestly, she just wants to know when to hide and stay out of sight.
Jon rubs her legs, and then her feet, paying special attention to her toes, one by one he pulls them and cracks the knuckles, making Olivia cry out in playful pain, pulling her feet back. He shakes his head no, "I couldn't do every one. There are some nights that I don't want to do the ones that I do, but they sell tickets so I'm obligated." He sits up, leaning forward on the couch, his elbows on his knees. "Three more weeks and I'm going home."
"I can see that everyone is tired. They guys look like a little reheated death."
"This tour is kicking our ass. It's a tight schedule and the cities are not close at all."
Olivia sits up and starts to run her fingers through his hair, making sure that the nails reach the scalp, he loves that, "Where are you going after the northwest?"
"The tour ends back home. Two nights in Jersey."
Exhausted and aware of the time, he gets up and unlocks the dressing room door. Once it's unlocked, he opens it so that his staff knows that it's okay to enter and do what they need to do for him and with him to prepare for the show. The first one in is Dawn, his trusted and long time assistant. "Are you ready? I have a new shirt for you and some new shoes."
"I'm not wearing new shoes, what does the shirt look like?" he asks, with a little hint of annoyance in his voice.
Dawn pulls out a light blue gauze shirt and holds it up for Jon to see. She can see that he's okay with it, so she breathes a sigh of relief, "You need to wear new shoes Jon, the other ones are about shot."
"They will last to the end." he states. "If not, then I'll wear new ones. Too far into the tour now to have blisters or sore feet. Thanks but no thanks."
Dawn rolls her eyes, looks at Olivia and says, "Hi Liv, how have you been?"
"Good Dawn, how are you?" Olivia smiles, remembering that Dawn was always nice to her.
Dawn laughs and says, "I'll be happier than a pig in shit when I can get off the road and away rom this guy!" she states, meaning every word that she says. Jon can be a bear on the road and even a bigger one when he's not - but poor Dawn, she gets it at home and on the road. She assists him with many things professionally - not just touring.
"I'm ready to get off the road with him too and it's only been one night for me." Olivia tells her, like they have been friends forever.
"How long are you here for?" Dawn inquires, hoping that it's more than for one day. Olivia will ease some of Jon's tension and that will make Dawn's life a little easier
Olivia gets up and walks over to Jon, picking a string off of his brand new custom made shirt, "I think I'll finish the tour, if he'll have me."
Dawn is very shocked at that response, only in the loop on what Jon told her. "Great! I'd love to have ya. We have too much testosterone around here, but what about your Doctor job?"
Jon slides his arms around Olivia's waist and winks at Dawn, "You're looking at Princeton's new Anatomy professor."
"No shit? Really?" Dawn is excited for Olivia and she can see in Jon's face that he's very happy about it too.
Olivia, shaking her head yes, "I start in the fall."
"Liv, that's great. Congrats! So are the two of you on again?"
Jon feels the need to answer that one, "We are going to see what happens."
Dawn pivots on her heel, "The press will eat this up." She laughs as she leaves the dressing room. "You know where I am, if you need me." And she leaves them alone with the door open.
Jon turns Olivia around and starts to kiss her neck, "I am so glad that you're not afraid of me."
"Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?" she chuckles, "You're harmless."
"You know, not many women would do what you did. You took a big risk coming here."
"Not really."
"You gave up an esteemed position and career to go teach at Princeton. What if I had told you to leave and that I never wanted to see you again?" he nibbles her neck. His breath is warm and moist. She shivers, she quivers.
"We were a chance that I was willing to take."
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
Chapter 26
Olivia feels a great comfort as she walks into her suite, it's a simple comfort that comes from knowing that Jon was there with her and no where else in the world. She didn't feel that way as she won, it's a comfort that tells her than Jon really does love her and maybe, just maybe they can start over and build a beautiful relationship.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Chapter 23

"They told me that I would find you here?" he hears from behind him, knowing that voice anywhere - even though he was so deep in thought looking out over the city, the city that had no idea how much he was missing her.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Chapter 21
I walked through the door with you, the air was cold,
But something 'bout it felt like home somehow.
And I left my scarf there at your house,
And you still got it in your drawer even now.
Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze.
We're singing in the car, getting lost Upstate.
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place,
And I can picture it after all these days.
And I know it's long gone,
And that magic's not here no more,
And I might be okay,
But I'm not fine at all.
'Cause there we are again on that little town street.
You almost ran the red 'cause you were looking over me.
Wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well.
Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turning red.
You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-size bed
And your telling me stories about you on a tee ball team
You tell me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me.
And I know it's long gone
And there was nothing else I could do
And I forget about you long enough
To forget why I needed to...
'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night.
We dance around the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there, I remember it all too well, yeah.
Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much,
And maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up.
Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well.
Hey, you call me up again just to break me like a promise.
So casually cruel in the name of being honest.
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
'Cause I remember it all, all, all... too well.
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own
Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week
'Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me
You can't get rid of it 'cause you remember it all too well, yeah
'Cause there we are again, when I loved you so
Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known
It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
Wind in my hair, you were there, you remember it all
Down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all
It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
Goodbye Jon.
I walked through the door with you, the air was cold,
But something 'bout it felt like home somehow.
And I left my scarf there at your house,
And you still got it in your drawer even now.
Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze.
We're singing in the car, getting lost Upstate.
Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place,
And I can picture it after all these days.
And I know it's long gone,
And that magic's not here no more,
And I might be okay,
But I'm not fine at all.
'Cause there we are again on that little town street.
You almost ran the red 'cause you were looking over me.
Wind in my hair, I was there, I remember it all too well.
Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turning red.
You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-size bed
And your telling me stories about you on a tee ball team
You tell me 'bout your past, thinking your future was me.
And I know it's long gone
And there was nothing else I could do
And I forget about you long enough
To forget why I needed to...
'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night.
We dance around the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Down the stairs, I was there, I remember it all too well, yeah.
Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much,
And maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up.
Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well.
Hey, you call me up again just to break me like a promise.
So casually cruel in the name of being honest.
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
'Cause I remember it all, all, all... too well.
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own
Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week
'Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me
You can't get rid of it 'cause you remember it all too well, yeah
'Cause there we are again, when I loved you so
Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known
It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
Wind in my hair, you were there, you remember it all
Down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all
It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
Goodbye Jon.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Chapter 1
"What do you mean you can't meet me?" she hears on the other end of the phone. Her hand is shaking, her heart is racing - she just told him no. No one tells him no.
"I have a class to prepare for, I can't just keep dropping everything to suit you, I'm sorry." she responds, with a growing anxiety - coupled with an extra ounce of courage.
"You know that's not the deal." he responds, through his teeth. When he talks to her like that, she knows that he's pissed.
"Quite frankly Jon, I have had enough of the deal." she screams at him, "I don't want to be like this anymore."
"Like what?"
"A kept woman that has to hide everything I do when I'm with you."
"That's part of the deal."
With her anger and her frustration growing, Olivia tells him, " I want out of the deal."
"I'm not meeting you today Jon, I have way too much to do and my career is suffering because of our deal."
"Liv, you know that's not what you want. Just meet me in the city and we can talk." he pleads with her, "I need to see you."
"You want to see me, you don't need to see me. And as I told you, I have a class."
"I'm only here for the day. Let's have lunch, that's it." In the voice that she can never resist, she finds herself nodding her head, with a smile on her face.
"Just lunch, and then I have to go." she agrees, and he can hear her smile. He knows the best ways to break her down, on the phone and in person.
"I promise, just lunch. I have a press conference to do and then I have to go to Chicago."
Olivia met Jon not very long ago, at Mercy Hospital in New York City. He was brought in for a foot injury that turned out to be a break and she was the attending on duty. They hit it off right away and she was easily smitten with him, until his wife walked in. When Olivia seen that he was married, she had to withdraw and try to get back to treating him like she was a doctor. She remembers that day, just like it was yesterday.
He hopped into the emergency room like she knew the man of her dreams would. He would have too. Being an attending emergency room physician was all the life that she had, all the life that she has known since she started her rotations and her grueling school schedule.
"I'm only here for the day. Let's have lunch, that's it." In the voice that she can never resist, she finds herself nodding her head, with a smile on her face.
"Just lunch, and then I have to go." she agrees, and he can hear her smile. He knows the best ways to break her down, on the phone and in person.
"I promise, just lunch. I have a press conference to do and then I have to go to Chicago."
Olivia met Jon not very long ago, at Mercy Hospital in New York City. He was brought in for a foot injury that turned out to be a break and she was the attending on duty. They hit it off right away and she was easily smitten with him, until his wife walked in. When Olivia seen that he was married, she had to withdraw and try to get back to treating him like she was a doctor. She remembers that day, just like it was yesterday.
He hopped into the emergency room like she knew the man of her dreams would. He would have too. Being an attending emergency room physician was all the life that she had, all the life that she has known since she started her rotations and her grueling school schedule.
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