He lifts his head, his neck sore from sleeping at his desk. With a fog in his head, he can feel his heart racing and his breathing is shallow.
Sitting back in the chair and rubbing his sore neck muscles, he thinks about the dream that he just had. "Thank god it was just a dream." he tells himself. He looks out the windows and sees people walking the river bank and people in kayaks on the river. The sun is bright and it burns his eyes.
Directing his attention to his desk top, he sees the posters that he was autographing when he obviously fell asleep. A couple of them had drool spots and that made him chuckle. It was a short lived chuckle, because his mind went back to the dream. He can't shake the heartbreaking feeling that he had in the dream, he can see the person laying there and Olivia doing whatever she could to save and to help the lifeless body that laid there.
He reaches over and picks up the cordless phone and dials the house in SoHo. Dorothea answers, "Hello?"
"Hi. Are the kids okay?" he asks her, avoiding the niceties.
He wants to know one thing and one thing only.
"They are still sleeping, but yes they are okay. Why?" she asks her future ex husband, hearing the concern in his voice.
He exhales long and loudly, "I had a dream, that's all."
"You're calling at 7:00 am because you had a dream?" she's almost mocking him.
"It was pretty real, Dorothea. My heart is still racing from it." he tells her with the vivid images of the lifeless bloodied body in his mind and Olivia's words playing over and over in his head. Jon. that's Jesse in there.
Dorothea can tell that he's shaken, so she just tells him, "They are all here and they are all fine. Do you want me to have them call you when they wake up?"
"Would you please?" he mumbles, his head is in his hands and he's still pretty dazed.
"Ok. Goodbye, Jon."
"Thanks. Goodbye." he ends the call and tosses the phone on the desk top. He sits there for a lengthy amount of time, going over the dream again and again in his mind. With his stomach in knots, he gets up and heads to the kitchen, he needs a cup of coffee and a cigarette.
The coffee seemed to take longer than normal and his nerves were raw. Leaning against the counter, he lights a cigarette and take a long drag. Slowly exhaling it, he looks out the window and wonders what Olivia is doing? He looks at his watch and deduces that she is probably just leaving work. He grabs a cordless phone and calls her. After four rings that took forever it went to her voicemail, so he left a message. Hey it's me. Please call me when you get this. I'm at home. I love you, Olivia.
Ending that call, he tosses that receiver on the counter and is finally able to pour himself a cup of coffee. He inhales the aroma and pauses for a moment, he needs to clear his head and get the images from his dream out of his head. He asks himself, Who was the Spanish woman in my dream? Why was she with Jesse? Shaking his head, he grabs his coffee and cigarettes and takes himself into the living room. Once he's comfortable in his spot, he grabs the remote and turns the TV on. Alone, he sits there and has his coffee and cigarettes. He tries to get into the news on CNN but he really can't focus. He's never been affected like this over any dream.
Two cups of coffee and a half dozen cigarettes, Jon is finally able to get up and make something of his morning. He doesn't feel rested, as he yawns and stretches. Working his way back to the kitchen, the phone rings, prompting him to walk a little faster. He answers the phone, "Liv?"
"Hi Jon."
He responds with a smile on his face that she can hear, "Hey, thanks for calling."
"You sounded upset, are the kids okay?" Olivia asks, having heard something in Jon's voice that persuaded her to call him, even though she ended it between them.
"Yeah, they are fine."
"Are you okay?" she asks him, concerned about him.
"I am now."
"What happened?"
"Nothing happened, really."
"Come on Jon, I can still hear it in your voice."
"Where are you?" he tries to change the subject, knowing that it's not going to work. He's pacing the house, trying to get a feel on her and she's being pretty tough.
"Tell me what had you so upset when you called. Jon, I could hear it in your voice. If the kids are okay, is Dorothea alright? What about your parents?" he can hear her getting a little irritated, she always calls him by name when she's irked.
"Funny you ask about my parents." he takes a deep breath and hops up on the kitchen counter. A place where he would never let the kids sit, "I fell asleep in my office and had the worst dream."
"About your parents?"
"They were in it."
"Okay?" she sighs, "What else?"
"What I remember of it was, you left here, just like you did yesterday. I had nervous energy so I went to my folks for dinner. While I was there, there was a newscast telling the world about my divorce."
"My mom flipped out when I told her about you, she couldn't believe that I would do that to Dorothea and the kids."
"So she hates me now?" Olivia asks, knowing that she doesn't hate her. In Jon's dream, Mrs. Bongiovi forgot that Olivia was the family doctor. "What else?"
"Long story short, my dad told me to chase you down and I did. I drove to the hospital and found you working in one of the trauma rooms. You were covered in blood and you needed to shock the patient that was on the table."
"Was it one of your parents?" she asks, following the train of thought.
"No." she can now hear that uneasy sound that he gets when things are out of his control. She can hear that he just might crack, she can hear that he needs her.
"Who was it?" she almost demands the answer now.
"When you were able to see me, you came into the waiting room and first you talked to a Spanish woman and calmed her down. So, I remember thinking that you saved her loved ones life and then you came to me and told me that the person on the table was Jesse."
"Jesus Jon. Are you serious?" she felt a lump in her throat forming, knowing how he felt about his children and she can imagine, she can picture the affect that this dream would have on him. "Are you okay?
"Yeah, I'm fine now. I called Dorothea, I think I woke her up, but she assured me that the kids are okay."
"Of course they are." Olivia tells him, "They are in good hands."
"I know."
"Any idea who the Spanish lady was?" she's starting to analyze his dream, having no idea what any of it meant. "
Jon jumps off the counter and grabs a glass from the cupboard. Turning the faucet on, he fills his glass with tap water and heads back into his office. "I have no idea who she is, but you talked to her in Spanish."
"That's funny. I don't know Spanish."
"Where are you?" he asks her again, not forgetting that she didn't answer that question when he originally asked her, "Are you done working?"
She's quiet for a moment, "Yeah, I'm just walking out." she holds her breath because she knows what's coming next.
"Can I see you?" he whispers, hoping that she says yes, but feeling like she'll say no.
There is a long pause and when she speaks, his heart does somersaults and the butterflies come to life, "Yeah, I'll be there in a little bit."

She still has feelings for him....
ReplyDeleteyea she's coming over! that dream was too freaky!