I'll Be Saturday Night
The set list was one that no one seen coming. New material was played and the fans did more than appreciate it, they loved it and went crazy for more. The introduction of Hey God was well received, more than Jon and the band thought was possible. And they loved it when someone other than Jon was able to sing. Richie belted out his Stranger In This Town and David was lead vocals on I'll Be There For You.
Back in quick change, Jon sits in his chair while his hair is blown dry. Looking around for Olivia, he asks Dawn, "Where did Liv go?"
Dawn laughs, "She's with Heather,among the masses."
"Is she really?" Jon laughs with her, knowing that no good was going to come of this show. "Which way did they go?"
"Heather said they were taking a trip to heaven."
"Why would they go all of the way up there?" Jon asks, knowing that Heather liked to make pop up appearances in random places, "Did they have Bobby or Tom with them?" Jon asks, having just told Olivia that she needs security with her if she wanders the venue.
"I don't think so. I gave Olivia my lanyard since she isn't too well know. She should be okay with that, as far as access."
Jon tousles his hair with his fingers, looking in the mirror. "I told her to take security, thankfully she isn't too well known yet."
"But Heather is." Dawn reminds him, "Those two could get in a lot of trouble, together."
"That's my fear." He stands up and pulls on a dry shirt. "Do they have a radio?" Dawn nods her head yes. "There are 3 more songs, can you get them back here please."
Dawn salutes him as he leaves quick change and stands there and waits. She can hear the screams, and as soon as his silhouette is seen the screams turn piercing. It makes her laugh, having worked for him for so long that she doesn't really see what all the hype is all about. He's a guy that puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like millions more - but for some reason, the woman love him and his band.
She finds Mike and uses his radio to call Heather, "Sambora, Sambora - come in Heather." After a short pause, she says, "Sambora, Sambora - we need you back to base."
After a few seconds, she hears, "We're on our way."
Dawn has her own job to do, she can't worry about the two princesses that get to wander aimlessly and be treated like royalty, She wants to get out of Miami as bad as everyone else does. On the plane, to the next city is a good thing, it's one day closer to break, one day closer to getting back into life.
The band plays the last three songs, and when they came down off stage - they were guided into waiting vans and whisked off to the airport where they had to pack and catch the plane that's scheduled to leave at 2 am. They all hated doing it this way, but they would rather get where they are going and then go to bed, as opposed to getting up and having to spend the day travelling. This way, the day off between shows is actually a day off.
In the hotel room, Jon asks Olivia, as he strips from his wet clothes, "What did you and Heather do? Did you get into any trouble?"
Olivia laughs at him, "Ha ha, you're funny. What kind of trouble could we get into when we had a big bald guy following us all night?"
"You spotted Derrick?" he giggles, thinking that it's funny that she caught him trying to be sly. "He doesn't blend well, does he?"
"Sticks out like a sore thumb. Do you really think that he was necessary?"
"Doesn't matter, get used to it. He now works for you."
"It is not open for discussion. Starting any minute now, your need for security will increase and I'm getting ahead of the game."
"But if I'm with you, isn't your security enough?" she asks, pretty unsure of how the game works. She hasn't been a player for very long, and the last time that they played together - the need for security was minimal since they never went anywhere together.
He sits next to her on the bed, stepping out of his jeans and stripping off his socks, "When I'm on stage, I have security. When you decide to walk a venue, you will have security. No ifs,ands or buts about it."
"It's silly."
"As soon as you are in the public eye, you will need it more than when you're walking a venue. You'll need it anywhere you go that is in public. With or without me."
She shakes her head no, "I don't like the sound of that."
"Comes with the territory baby." He pokes the end of her nose.
"Well, do I have to have the big bald scary guy?"
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