"They told me that I would find you here?" he hears from behind him, knowing that voice anywhere - even though he was so deep in thought looking out over the city, the city that had no idea how much he was missing her.
He doesn't turn to look at her, fighting the urge. He taps his fingers on the hotel room window and waits for her to say something else. The click of her high heel shoes lets him know that she's walking toward him. He can feel her now, her breath was warm on his neck. He still fights the urge to turn to her. "Jon?" Olivia says, "Are you going to say hello?"
"How did you get in here?" he questions her, still looking out the window watching the people pass by.
Olivia slides her hand up his arm, "What do you mean how did I get in here?" She's not sure what tone he's intending to convey, but she's picking up that he's not happy.
"How did you get to this floor? It's private."
"I'm sorry I came. I'll show myself out." she whispers, dropping her hand from his arm, turning to leave.
She wasn't sure how well she would be received. They haven't talked or anything in months. She was busy in Salt Lake City, with her new position of Chief of Medicine and he's been on tour. They both wanted to talk to each other over the last several weeks, but they both were too stubborn and too proud. The way that they left things weren't what Jon had in mind, and Olivia missed the middle of the night calls and the random meetings where ever he was. She missed him and he missed her.
With her back to him and just a few steps into her departure she hears him say "Wait."
Olivia stops dead in her tracks and slowly turns on her heel. As she turns to face him, he's just inches behind her. They are now face to face, sharing air and she can see the smile in his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't call."
His hands go up under her hair and he pulls her to him, his lips meet hers and he kisses her, hard. For her, it felt like the first. For him, it felt the same. With their lips still touching, he mumbles, "What are you doing here?"
Her hands slide around his waist and she pulls him into her, "I came to see you."
"Why?" he steps back, looking at her, feeling his heart beating out of his chest.
"I missed you." she admits, grabbing his hands and smiling. "Do you want me to go?"
His arms go around her neck and the only think he can think to say is, "God no." He holds her to him, one hand on the back of her head and the other on the small of her back.
"How are you?" she tries to say, with her face buried in his chest. She can tell that he just got back from sound check, not long before her arrival. "You look great."
He kisses the side of her head, "I missed you."
"I missed you too."
"You look great. How is life in Salt Lake City?" he questions her, not wanting to hear that he life is great.
"It's good. How are the kids and the family?" she takes a step back from him this time, sitting on the couch before she passes out. Her legs were locked and she could feel herself getting light headed, "How is the tour?"
Jon sits on the couch next to her, "Everyone is good. How are you doing?"
"I'm good. I've been really busy." she smiles at him, "Is this a new look for you?" she asks, point to his head, loving the way that he looks with the bandana on. "I like it."
"I think it's a phase. Been wearing it for a few weeks now." he can't believe that she's sitting there with him, he can't believe that she came to him.
"I like it." she gives him a wink and a smile, "I think you're the only one that could pull it off thought."
He chuckles, "Thanks." sliding the bandana off of his head and shaking his hair out, he wonders, "What are you doing here, Liv?"
"I told you, I came to see you." she reaches over and locks her pinky with his, the way she would often hold onto him, "I wanted to see you."
"I'm glad you did." He leans over and kisses her again, still pretty shocked that she flew all of the way to Miami to see him. "I'm really glad that you did. How long are you here?"
"That's up to you."
"How's that?" he inquires, scooting back on the couch and pulling her to him.
"Well, I'm on vacation for an undecided amount of time."
"Vacation? You just started." she can hear the concern in his voice and quickly puts his mind at ease.
"Well, I've had another offer and I'm off exploring my options. I telecommute when needed, but the hospital runs pretty well in my absence."
"That's great. What's the other offer?" his arms falls over her and he tries to get her even closer, he has missed he so much and it feels like she has been gone forever.
Olivia sits up and looks to Jon, "I was offered another teaching position."
"Where at?" he can see the smile in her eyes, he can see that she has already made up her mind. She knows that she's going to give of the COM in Salt Lake, he knows her enough to know just by the look, just by her smile.
She smiles even bigger and feels a few butterflies as she starts to tell him, "I was offered a position at Princeton."
"Seriously?" he blurts at her. Happily shocked by her response. He knows with every ounce of his being that she's moving back to the east coast.
Olivia nods her head, "Seriously." she smiles her biggest smile, "It's a great opportunity."
"What will you teach?" he leans forward, taking her hand again, playing with her fingers, "Where will you live?"
With a shrug of her shoulders, she tells him, "I'm not sure on where I'll live. I love living in Manhattan, but south Jersey is nice too."
"Come on, what will you teach?" he picks on her, "I want to know what you're going to teach."
Jon takes a few moments and soaks up the moment that they are in right now. The fresh happiness on her face is almost breathtaking, and his mental picture will be forever be burned into his mind. The wisps of her hair that frame her face give her a look of innocence and purity, and Jon fell in love with that look. Behind that look was a degree of innocence and a level of purity that he was so drawn too. He still can't believe that she is in his suite, in Miami. "What brings you here?"
Yeah why is she there? I thought she was done with him? She left him right? So why is she doing this to herself? She told him goodbye. Shouldn't Jon be the one trying to get back with her? Or is she trying to tell him she just wants to be friends but friends don't kiss like that. That little paragraph didn't explain enough for me. They stayed in touch even though she sent him that big goodbye? And now she shows up and they been talking? No explanation Sorry I'm not bitching just confused here just FYI. Love You!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd why is she light headed & on the verge of passing out? Hmmm enquiring minds want to know. Illness or ?????
ReplyDeleteGreat chapter.
Hahaha I want to know how she got on his floor and into his room !!!
ReplyDeleteShe wants the arrangement then she doesn't. Now what?
When was the last time they ...... Hhhmmm could she be pregnant?? No it may have been too long. Or maybe... Just long enough....
Gggrrrrhhhhh Jon's as usual is leaving us wondering...
Good job. Thanks for the chapter.
WTH going on. Olivia told Jon is OVER & Goodbye between them. Now she at his Hotel. I'm so confused as Hell!
ReplyDeleteI sure Jon Has to be confused too.