Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chapter 27

He missed her and she could see that in his eyes, she could see it with every breath that he took.  And she missed him just as much.  Gently, she lays her hand on his leg and softly asks, "Are we good?"

"Good?  What do you mean?" he asks, a little thrown off by the question.

"Are we good?  Do you want me to stay or leave in the morning?"  Olivia asks him, with a lump in her throat, prepared to leave if that is what he wants.  She doesn't want to leave him, she doesn't want to leave Miami - but after what she did to him, she fully understood if that's what he wanted.  "I will leave if you want me to.  I came her uninvited and unannounced."

"I want you to stay."

She sits up and reaches for his hand, with a gentle squeeze, she asks, "Are you sure?"

He nods his head, smiles the biggest smile and leans in and kisses her, "I am very sure.  I'll add you to the flight plan and you can go on the road with me, if you want."

Olivia smiles from her heart, "I would love too.  Will the guys mind?"

Jon chuckles and tells her, "If they do, they will have to deal with it."

She now leans in and kisses him, pulling him to her and holding him tight.  She mumbles when she tells him, "I love you."  Her kisses worked into passion and in no time they were fumbling around, loving one another like they did when she was his dirty little secret.

They couldn't get enough of one another and as soon as he had her t shirt
 and panties off of her, they were one.  They were one, enjoying one another like they hadn't in a long time.  Jon could tell, he could feel that Olivia missed him, and he missed her body just as much.  In perfect sync, they made love to one another, but this time they pushed it to a level that they have never felt.

With her legs holding him to her, she looks at him and admits, "I missed this very much.  I missed you."

"I missed you too babe, I am so glad that you came."

Olivia laughs and says, "I came more than once."

"I know you did and I loved every second of it."

In each others arms, they drift off to sweet slumber and they both slept the longest that they have, in a long time, for both of them.  

Jon woke before Olivia, staring at her while she sleeps he can't help but feel a warmness and a completeness - his missing link was laying next to him and he was sure that she was there to stay.  His fingers caress the contour of her face, stirring her a little bit.  She opens her eyes, and for a brief half second, she is startled.  When she realizes that she is not in a dream, she grins.  "I thought I was dreaming you."

Jon leans over with a smile on his face, "You are a dream come true."  He kisses her nose, "Good morning."

"Mmmm, good morning."  Olivia throws her arms around his neck and pulls him to her, "it's a great morning."  

"Are you hungry?" he asks her, looking at the clock on the bedside table.  "We might be able to get breakfast, if we hurry."

Olivia looks at the clock, "Damn, did we really sleep that late?  That can't be right."  She's amazed that it was 10:45 and they are just getting up.

"I slept like the dead, I know that."

"Yeah, me too.  Obviously."

Jon lays back next to her, turns his head and looks at her, "I can't remember the last time I slept that good."  He starts to stretch and yawn, "It must have been that marathon love making last night."

Olivia rolls on her side, facing Jon, she smiles, "Yeah, that's exactly what did it.  I can feel it in every muscle of my body."

"I feel pretty good too.  Should we order room service?"

"Can we go down and eat?" she asks, not wanting to hide or be hidden.  She wants the world to know that they are together and that's the way that it was going to stay.  His acceptance of her, being in Miami, was all that she needed to make up her mind.  She loves him and wants to be with him more than she ever admitted, to him or herself.

"Why do you want to go downstairs and eat, when we can lay here in bed all morning."

"Honestly, I want the world to see us together and I'd like to see the guys."

"You can see the guys tonight at the arena.  Are you sure that you want to face the public today?"

"Yeah, why?" she questions him, reaching over and lacing her fingers through his, "Unless you would rather not?"

"I'm not ready and I don't think you are either.  The fans here are a little protective of me and you won't be welcomed with open arms."

"We have security." she states.

He gives her a crooked smile and tells her, "Let's just order in for breakfast, the public can wait a little while."

Olivia reads his face and while she isn't happy with what he just said, she was in no position to argue.  Defeated, she lies back in bed and sighs, "Fine.  What do you want to eat?"  She rolls her head to look at him, "You're usual?"

Jon jumps out of bed, naked and looking fine, walks to the desk and grabs the room service menu, "Let's see what they have.  What sounds good to you?"

"I'll have my usual, but I think I need a double shot of coffee." she reaches down and pulls the covers up to her chin, "I'm a little sleepy."

"Go back to sleep, I'll wake you when breakfast gets here."

"I'm good." she smiles at him, "can you order me some strawberries?"

He nods at her, and starts to place the room service order.  When he finishes, he tells her that it will be about 30 minutes, "What should we do with the time?" he winks with a smile.

"What would you like to do?"  Olivia pulls the blankets over her head, "You can join me under here."  She didn't hear anything, but she was startled when he yanked the blankets off of her, exposing her naked body.  Olivia laughs, "Babe, it's cold."  She shields her breasts.  Jon crawls onto the edge of the bed, Olivia can see his erection and she says, "Is this hors d'oeuvres?"  

His lips find her and the passion ensues.