Saturday, July 19, 2014

Chapter 4

A few long months pass before Jon sees Olivia again, and seeing each other happened by chance. 

Olivia was in the city on a date with a co-worker and Jon was in the city hanging out with the boys in the band and a few people from the record label. 

They were on a short break

from the tour, having just returned from a European leg.  Only to head back over seas in a week. 

 Olivia and her date, Mark, a surgeon from the hospital, were leaving CBGB's as Jon and the boys were walking in.  Olivia didn't see Jon, but he spotted her.  She walked passed him quite fast and he followed her out the door.

"LIV!" he yells after her.  "Olivia."

She stops and turns around with Mark right beside her.  When she sees that it's Jon, she has a face drop.  "Jon?  Oh my God, what are you doing here?"

Jon walks up to her and Mark, "I'm here with the guys having a few drinks."  He looks at Mark and makes a face, "Who's this guy?"

Olivia laughs, "Jon this is Mark Hilton.  Mark this is...."

Mark interrupts as he extends his hand, "Jon Bon Jovi.  It's a pleasure to meet you."  The two men shake hands while Olivia stands there and feels like she just wants to run and hide. 

"Likewise."  Jon smiles his fake smile, "How have you been?"  He looks at Olivia, "I haven't seen you in forever."

"I'm good, Jon.  How have you been?"

"Good.  Good." he looks back over his shoulder and sees that his boys left him on his own, "Why don't you guys join us for a drink?"

Mark steps in and says, "I have to pass, I have surgery in the morning."  He reaches over and takes Olivia's hand, leaning in to kiss her cheek.  "You stay, call me in the morning."

"No, I'll go with you." Olivia tells Mark.  With a wince, she looks at Jon and says, "Rain check.  We have to get going." 

"Rain check?  I don't know when I'll be back in town, just a quick one Liv."  Jon sort of pleads with her, "A quick one."

Olivia looks to Mark, and he smiles, "Go ahead, I'll talk to you in the morning."  Mark then looks to Jon, "Jon it was a pleasure meeting you."  They shake hands again, Mark kisses Olivia goodbye and he leaves the two of them standing on the sidewalk outside CBGB's. 

Mark probably wouldn't have been so quick to leave Olivia there had he known about their past, but she was forbidden to talk about it and contractually told to be about quiet about it.  She never breathed a word about it to anyone, except her best friend Jordan.

Jon takes a step toward Monica and puts his arm around her, "Let's go in, it's a little chilly."  He gently guides her to the door and they walk through security into one of the VIP rooms in the back, where they are greeted by Richie and Tico.

Both Richie and Tico are surprised to see her, and when they do - they both get up and hug her.  Richie, being the player that he is, the ladies man that he is kisses her cheek and says, "Hey doc, how the hell are you?"

Olivia smiles and says, "I'm good Richie, how are you doing?"

"Good, real good."  He has a little buzz going, "Real fucking good."

Tico steps in between them and hugs Olivia, "Hey gorgeous, where have you been hiding?"

Olivia laughs, "At the hospital and school.  How are you T?"

He winks at her and sits back down, "I'm good.  Sit."  He pats the open space next to him.  Olivia sits down and Jon takes her coat and hangs it on the hook behind them.

"Do you want your usual?"  Jon asks her, standing next to the waitress, "Or have you moved onto something else?"

"I'll have a beer." she politely responds, "I have rotations in the morning."

"Are you hungry?"

She shakes her head no, "Mark and I had dinner before coming here.  Thank you though."

Richie picks up on the strange name, paying little attention to the conversation, "Whoa, who is Mark?"

Olivia snaps her head to look at him, not really wanting to have this conversation, "He's my boyfriend."

Richie looks at Jon, unaware that their relationship had ended.  The last he knew, they were still seeing one another, he was shocked to hear about it this way.  He and Jon are pretty tight.  "Boyfriend??"

"Rich, not now."  Jon answers for Olivia, "Not now."

"Her fucking boyfriend?  I thought you were her boyfriend." he barks at Jon, in a protective way.

Olivia stands up, "I knew this was a bad idea.  I'm going to go."  

Tico reaches over and holds her in place.  "Richie, shut up."  Tico adds, "Liv, sit down, he'll shut up."

Jon looks at Richie, "We haven't seen each other in months, Rich."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Richie questions.

"I didn't want to talk about it and then we went on the road."

"And you never thought to mention it?"

"No, I didn't."  He walks over and hands Olivia her beer, "I didn't want to talk about it with anyone."

Olivia says, "Thank you."  and takes a guzzle of her beer.  She feels compelled to add to the conversation, "I couldn't talk about it, why should he be able to?"

"Liv."  Jon snaps.

"Don't take that tone with me Jon.  You asked me for a drink and I'm not going to sit here and take this shit from him."

"He's done."  Jon gives Richie the look, "He won't bring it up again." 

Richie gets up and says, "This is fucked up.  I'm out of here."  He leaves the VIP room, leaving an awkward feeling between Jon, Tico and Olivia. 

After a few moments of silence, Tico slaps his knee and says, "This is a little awkward, I'm going to see if there is some trouble, or model I can go get in too."

"See ya."  Olivia says as T gets up and leaves the VIP area, gulping hard knowing that she is now alone with Jon.  Alone with him for the first time since she left him in that pizza place.  She takes another drink of her beer, slowly swallowing it with the hopes that Jon will start the conversation.

"You look great." is what he opened with. 

"Thank you."

"Tell me about this guy."

"What do you want to know?" she asks.

"Meet him at the hospital?"


"Before you dumped me?" he has to know, was Mark possibly the reason that she ended things with him.  His heart was pounding, he really didn't want to hear if he was part of the reason, or the real reason.  Olivia told him that she needed more than he was giving her and now he's wondering if Mark was doing it all long.

She shakes her head, "Does that really matter now, Jon?"

Jon sits there and just looks at her.  She's in a beautiful little black dress, slit up the side.  Her heels are perfect, making her legs defined and gorgeous.  Her hair is loose and long and her make up is light.  She's a natural beauty that he can't seem to forget about, he can't seem to move on.

"Did you cheat on me with him?"  was all he wanted to know, now that he was forced to think about it.  He didn't think that she would ever be able to cheat on him, she wasn't that way - but when he really thinks about it, she was sleeping with him and he was married.  Maybe her moral compass was slightly broken?


  1. Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has some nerve!!!!!!!!

  2. Sorry but it's none of Jon's business. He has no right to ask that.

  3. Jon is a little cocky thing in this story isn't he? he better suck it up I think you're about to get served.
