Monday, July 14, 2014

Chapter 3

Olivia left the pizza place and never looked back, knowing that she did what was best for her at the time.  Jon left and headed to his interview location, with his head hung slightly low.

He was bummed.  His interview was a drag, since he was just dumped by his mistress of two years and didn't like the way that it made him feel.  Since he started his band, once they reached a certain level of fame, he has never been rejected.  And rejection is a feeling that he doesn't like.

With his interview over, he hails a cab to the airport, meeting the band to fly to Chicago together.  Their gear left ahead of them, they need to fly in, play to a sold out crowd in Chicago at Wrigley Field and then embark on a 11 month tour.

The show in Chicago was as great as any Bon Jovi show has ever been.  The crowd was amazing and the energy was raw.  Jon and the guys gave Chicago three hours of pure entertainment.  With each show that they played, they mastered the craft a little more and were well on the way to perfection.  Anyone that has seen a Bon Jovi show live will tell you that it's one of the best around.  Jon and his band of brothers have a gift, added with the skill and the looks and they mesmerize their fans from start to finish.

The show was tough on Jon.  When they had finished all of their post show toasts, meet and greets and press responsibilities - he high tailed it to his room and crashed.  He sat on the foot of his bed and couldn't move.  Not only was he physically spent, he was emotionally drained.  He couldn't think of anything, other than Olivia.  To Jon, the rejection was an invitation to try harder, but he didn't know what to do.  He's leaving in a matter of days, time is limited and not on his side. 

After he's had a rest, he drags his ass off the bed and into the bathroom, jumping in the shower.  A quick in and out and he feels a little better, not great, but better.  Flipping on the TV, he grabs the remote and sits on the bed in just his towel.  When he realizes that there isn't anything on TV, he goes to his duffle bag.  Grabbing a pair of shorts, he slips them on.  Right leg and then the left.  He doesn't usually bum out in shorts, but he didn't want to put jeans on.  Once he's semi dressed, from the bottom of his bag he pulls out his legal sized note pad with pen and sits Indian style on the bed.

He's inspired to write, which he rarely does alone, but this moment had to be put on paper.  He needed to get the words out, the words that he's been feeling since he seen Olivia earlier.  He never realizes how much he misses her, until he sees her.  And when he sees her, he's faced with a flood of emotion and that quickly gets dampened by his deep sense of responsibility. Yet, he can't get her out of his mind.

Now and Forever
It's been a long time, baby, how have you been?
Oh, it sure feels good to see you again, my friends
I still remember just like it's yesterday
Though the miles and the smiles roll on, they won't fade away
And it hurts like hell to let you go, but I know
Kings will be kings, with crowns to defend
But I'm just one man and I can't pretend
A heart's just a heart and songs have to end
Dreams will be dreams but friends will be friends
Now and forever, now and forever

I still remember when you didn't know my name
We were lost on the road but you made it my home just the same
God, I wanna stay, but you gotta hold on when we go our separate ways
But when your radio's on, and you're hearing this song
I hope that you'll say nothing's changed
Kings will be kings, with crowns to defend
But I'm just one man and I can't pretend
A heart's just a heart and songs have to end
Dreams will be dreams but friends will be friends
Now and forever, now and forever

The words flowed like water, with just a few changes and when he was finished, he was happy.  He was able to put his feelings on paper, by himself and write a song that he was quite proud of.  Pushing the notebook aside, he lays on his side and gets lost in his thoughts.  He's sure that Olivia had a great day at class and was working her ass off tonight.  The weather on the east coast was stormy tonight and he knows that accident's and craziness are inevitable. 
He can picture her in her mint green scrubs, the only color that she'll wear, running around like an organized crazy person saving life's in the ER.  She was wonderful under pressure and he loved to watch her.  There have been nights that he has snuck into the ER just to see her, just to watch her.  With a smile on his face, he remembers the day that they met.  He can picture the look on her face when she met him and the look in her eyes while she treated him, but he also remembers the look in her eyes and the frown on her face when Dorothea walked in.  That's a look that he will never forget. 

Olivia is Jon's everything.  She's beautiful, smart, caring, witty, intelligent and charming - everything that he has always wanted in a woman.  To him, she's just a gorgeous in the mint green scrubs as she is in the latest Versace dress.  But she was also his weakness.   He's always thinking about her and wondering what she's doing, yet he knows that they can't be together; they shouldn't be together. 

He was tempted to call her, tempted to just say hello and as he had that thought, he could see her at the nurses station taking his call.  One hand on her hip and the other holding the phone.  She has a pissed off smile on her face, but he can picture it just the same.  With Olivia on his mind, he fades off to sleep.

Olivia is doing just as he imagined.  Class went well for her today, but today was different for her.  Today she felt liberated and free, and a little sad.  When she was the mistress of Jon Bon Jovi, just a few hours ago - she felt a little entitles, a little special. But when she thought about that entitlement feeling, she asked herself what were you entitled to?  She quickly dismisses those thoughts and goes on about her day and her night.

Olivia had a few minutes between patients and decided to go lay down in the on-call room.  As she laid there and let her mind go blank, she was able to doze off. 


  1. I want to know what she thinks she's entitled to? Nobody knows who she is. That's the thing about dating someone who's married. The only chance maybe someone might have is if that person is going to get a divorce for sure,

  2. something will have to happen to throw these 2 back together otherwise Jon doesn't stand a chance
